ALH Anna Lee Huber - USA Today Bestselling Author

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A Chat in the Garden and the Maiden's Court - September 10, 2013

I'm being interviewed today over at The Maiden's Court and at Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews. Come on over and join us! ... Click Here To Read More >>

MANor Candy Monday - Carnassarie Castle - September 9, 2013

It's Monday, and time for some MANor Candy, as well as info on some guest blog posts and a Twitter Chat. Lots going on!  Today's MANor Candy is Carnassarie Castle, north of Kilmartin, in Argyll & Bute, Scotland. It is a ruined 16th-century towerhouse that I was fortunate enough to visit on my trip to the UK, and my other inspiration for Banbogle Castle. Its crumbling features and part of its floorplan make up the heart of my fictitious Banbogle Castle. My visit to Carnassarie was instr... Click Here To Read More >>

Interviews and Scottish Mystery - September 6, 2013

Two blogs are posting interviews of me today. The first, Whims & Tonic, is run by the fabulous Hazel Gaynor - drop by to read about my experiences with publishing Then & Now.  The second will be posted on Night Owl Reviews.  Then join me this afternoon for a coffee break or a lunch break (depending on your time zone) Twitter Chat with fellow mystery author Gigi Pandian. Gigi is the author of the Jaya Jones Treasure Hunt Mystery Series, and Book 1, Artifact, was recently re-re... Click Here To Read More >>

Get Lost in a Story and a Twitter Chat - September 5, 2013

Today I'm being interviewed over at the Get Lost in a Story blog, and one lucky commenter will receive a copy of Mortal Arts. So drop by and let us know you'd like to win. Many thanks to author Angi Morgan for interviewing me! And then be sure to join me and fellow author Erin Knightley for a Twitter Chat from 8-9pm ET. Erin writes historical romance, and her latest, Flirting with Fortune also just released on Tuesday. We'll be talking about writing strong women and Happily-Ever-Afters. Use the... Click Here To Read More >>

Blogs and Interviews, oh my! - September 4, 2013

I've got lots of interviews and blog guest posts to tell you about today. First off, is the Author Q&A my editor did with me for the Berkley Prime Crime website. She asked some great questions. Second, is my guest post on the Penguin Blog - It's the Questions That Drive the Story. Third, is my guest post on the Author Sound Relations blog - 5 Novels That Shaped What I Write. And last, but certainly not least, is my guest post on author Janice Hardy's wonderful blog, The Other Side of the... Click Here To Read More >>

MANor Candy Monday - Barnbougle Castle - September 2, 2013

First of all, Happy Labor Day to all my American readers! Hope you're enjoying this lovely day.  Now, back to business, as it were. How about some MANor Candy? And today I'm featuring Barnbougle Castle on the Dalmeny Estate along the shores of the Firth of Forth, part of the inspiration for Banbogle Castle in the second Lady Darby novel, Mortal Arts. Although Barnbougle Castle is in much better condition than the Banbogle Castle in the novel, it is situated in much the same spot, and I've ... Click Here To Read More >>

MANor Candy Monday - Dalmeny House - August 26, 2013

In anticipation of the launch of Mortal Arts, Lady Darby Book 2, over the next few weeks I'm going to feature the manors and castles that influenced or inspired the locations in the novel. First up, is Dalmeny House--the real life inspriation for Dalmay House in the book. Dalmeny House is located on the Dalmeny estate along the shores of the Firth of Forth, northwest of Edinburgh. Many of the rooms and features are much as I described them in Mortal Arts. Details have been altered to suit the st... Click Here To Read More >>

MANor Candy Monday - Dunvegan Castle - August 19, 2013

Today's MANor Candy comes to us from the beautiful Isle of Skye. Dunvegan Castle stands just north of the village of Dunvegan, and has been the stronghold of Clan MacLeod for 800 years. It is the oldest continuously inhabited castle in Scotland.  ... Click Here To Read More >>

Mortal Arts Release Tour - August 16, 2013

I'm happy to announce the following appearances on my Mortal Arts Release Tour, both online and in person. I hope you can join me at one or a few of these events. Visit my Events page for even more details.   Mortal Arts Release Tour - Public Appearances Sat Sep 7th, 2-4pm EDT - Fort Wayne, IN - Book Release Party & Signing - Barnes & Noble-Jefferson Pointe Fri Sep 13th, 7pm CDT - Lake Forest, IL - Book Signing & Discussion - Lake Forest Book Store Sat  Sep 1... Click Here To Read More >>

Mortal Arts Blog Tour - August 14, 2013

I'm pleased to announce the following stops on my Mortal Arts Blog Tour. Many thanks to all of my hosts! Be sure to visit the blogs and comment on the days I visit. Many are also offering a giveaway in conjunction with my guest post. Mortal Arts Blog Tour Sun Sep 1st - Berkley Signet Prime Crime - Author Q&A Week of Mon Sep 2nd - Penguin USA Blog Wed Sep 4th - Author Sound Relations Wed Sep 4th - The Other Side of the Story Thu Sep 5th - Get Lost in a Story - interview Fri Sep 6th - N... Click Here To Read More >>

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