ALH Anna Lee Huber - USA Today Bestselling Author

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Grieving - March 11, 2019

With heavy hearts, our family is mourning the loss of my sister-in-law, Carmen Irma Gomez Moran Aycock. She was killed on March 3rd by the tornado that destroyed her home in Beauregard, AL. Carmen was a kind, intelligent, beautiful person, an avid animal lover, and a wonderful wife and mother. We know heaven has received another glorious angel, but she will be greatly missed. We are all heartbroken over her loss. Particularly her husband, Cameron, and her two daughters. Cameron and his youngest... Click Here To Read More >>

Lady Darby Book 7 Coming Soon! - February 7, 2019

The countdown has begun to the release of AN ARTLESS DEMISE, Lady Darby Book 7 on April 2, 2019! Stay tuned for future updates and some great giveaways. ... Click Here To Read More >>

Gothic Myths Series Updates - February 6, 2019

I recently received a large number of emails and messages asking about the fate of the second novel in my Gothic Myths series. I know it has been a long time coming, and I'm thrilled so many of you are anxious to read the next installment in the series. So I decided to post this blog to provide everyone with a broader update on the series.  First off, YES, there will be more novels in the Gothic Myths series, and Book 2 is currently in the works. I can reassure you on that point. I do not ... Click Here To Read More >>

Women and the British Secret Service - February 6, 2019

When I first began toying with the idea of writing a new historical mystery series based around a woman who had served in the British Secret Service during the Great War, I was concerned I wouldn’t find much factual basis to craft my heroine from. But that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Careful digging brought to light the thousands of women who went to work for the various intelligence gathering agencies in Britain during World War I. They served at the headquarters ... Click Here To Read More >>

Seances and the Great War - February 6, 2019

The tremendous number of casualties that occurred during the Great War (more commonly known today as World War I) was both shocking and devastating. Never before had so many lives been lost in so short a time. There were few people in the main combatant countries who were not directly affected by the death of a friend or loved one, and many suffered staggering losses. Families lost multiple sons. Entire villages were deprived of nearly all their young men. To make matters worse, most people ... Click Here To Read More >>

La Dame Blanche - February 6, 2019

After deciding that the heroine of my newest historical mystery series—Verity Kent—had worked in the foreign division of the British Secret Service during the Great War, it wasn’t long before I determined I also wanted her to have served in some capacity abroad, perhaps even behind enemy lines. Uncovering exactly what role I wanted her to play as a field agent was the trickier part, particularly as I wanted it to be realistic. But it was as I was perusing the history section of... Click Here To Read More >>

The Countdown has begun! - July 25, 2018

Man, how time flies! TREACHEROUS IS THE NIGHT, Verity Kent Book 2, releases in just two months, and is available for preorder wherever books are sold. There will also be multiple chances to win a copy. My publisher is running a giveaway over on Goodreads starting on August 5th, and there will be another giveaway in September. I will also be running a series of giveaways on my website - Visit the site and sign up for my newsletter for all the latest information about giveawa... Click Here To Read More >>

AN ARTLESS DEMISE Cover Reveal - July 7, 2018

I'm thrilled to share the cover for the next Lady Darby Mystery - AN ARTLESS DEMISE, Book 7 - which releases April 2nd, 2019! ... Click Here To Read More >>

Independence Day Recipes - July 7, 2018

Several readers on social media asked me to share the recipes for the pictures I posted of the dishes I made for our family's 2018 Independence Day picnic. As promised, here they are. Enjoy! ... Click Here To Read More >>

TREACHEROUS IS THE NIGHT Cover - January 2, 2018

I'm thrilled to share with you the cover for TREACHEROUS IS THE NIGHT, Verity Kent Book 2. It will release on September 25th, and is now available for preorder. Cheers! In 1919 England, in the shadow of The Great War, many look to the spirit world for answers. But it will take an all too earthbound intrigue to draw in the discerning heroine of Anna Lee Huber’s latest mystery . . .  It’s not that Verity Kent doesn’t sympathize with those eager to make contact with lo... Click Here To Read More >>

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Enter to win 1 of 5 copies of Sisters of Fortune over on Goodreads. Ends 7/24/24.

Enter to win 1 of 100 copies of The Cold Light of Day, Verity Kent Book 7, over on Goodreads. Ends 7/23/24.

Enter to win 1 of 10 copies of Sisters of Fortune my publisher is giving away on Goodreads. (Ends 7/5/24.)

Upcoming Events
July 31, 2024
7:30 pm
Historical Mystery Panel at Cozy, Conversations and More (Facebook Group)

September 18, 2024
6:00 pm
Book Chat at Swayzee Public Library

September 24, 2024
The Cold Light of Day, Verity Kent Book 7, Release Date